Friday, 12 September 2014

A Friend

Once upon a time there was a princess. She got everything she could ever ask for. The king and queen loved her, the people in her kingdom loved her, and she had everything. But there was something missing for the little princess. Although she had so many people around her all the time but all she wanted was someone to talk to, someone with whom she can share how she felt or what was going on. There were kids from other kingdoms also but she could never call them a friend.
The princess was feeling lonely deep down daily in the dorm full of crowd too. The Almighty King had no idea about this disaster in his daughter’s life. After all she never shared it with him.

So my point is, even the princess needed friends. We are the normal mango people, why wouldn’t we need one. So this post is for all my friends out there and for you guys who have precious friends or are looking for one. I hope that makes 100% of us J

Like love, there is no definite word or meaning of the word friendship.
(PS: You can exclude Google and Oxford here because they know everything.)

Yeah so where were we?  Friendship!

There are a few fortunate people on this planet who got me as their friend, I know lucky people, no :P
I will be honest with you guys; I am the lucky one because if you have true friends you lack nothing. They can be whatever you want them to be and what you need, above that.
We cry with them, we smile with them; we do all crazy things with them. We know each other so well that just a look can tell us the whole story, sometimes we don’t even need the look because we know them so well that we can just tell what must have happened.

In kindergarten when we didn't even know the word we had friends. Then it may be just about sharing that pencil or getting scolded together or just another afternoon with your buddy in the park. But we had someone when we were not ready to leave our mom's lap yet.

Then there was the time when we were not even able to even spell or write the word properly, but we had a lunch partner, with whom we used to share our lunch and with whom we used to go for that water break.
Now we are the teens. We are getting to know stuff, the real world out there; we are coming out of our cocoon. At this phase also we have someone, someone who is going through the same confusion, same rage, same restlessness and the transition, when we think we just know everything. When we lost the ability to listen to our parents or think in a rational way, when we started bitching around or when we cried for the first time and the reason was definitely not a broken toy or a knee. And guess what we were not the only ones suffering and going through this phase, struggling our way out, there was a friend holding our hand and saying you are not alone, I am miserable too and we suddenly felt better. For me this was the time when I actually realized the importance of a friend. This was when I knew I needed one and this was when I got the best one.

After school was the time to grow up. Moving out to a new place, leaving home, parents and moving in with strangers was all about the starting phase. Suddenly we feel like we got no one. we just can’t survive any more and then again the angels up from the sky did some spell and sent someone to be there for us. We saw them and knew that they are no alien, they are so like us. They may have so many different habits and they may be so much different in every other activity but these are also the ones that we would be spending the next 4 years of our college life with. The study groups, the class groups, the hostel gang and the outing buddies, they may be all different or same but we get so many new people in your life and we get along so well that sometimes even we parents would say that we have forgot them once we entered college. They are the irreplaceable ones. Now when we know how people can be real mean too, we realize how lucky we are that we got such amazing people, no back stabbing or no hard feelings involved. We just know that they are going to stick to us for the rest of our lives no matter how hard we try to break it off. They are the lovely idiots in our life and with them only we get to live and we just love them.

Once we are done with all of the above then I would tell you a secret. Don’t let any of the above friends go away. Just be the irritating guy who bugs them every now and then.
Then we are mature enough to choose people we wanna hang out with. Now after all these years we know who we can cope up with and who can tolerate us. Best part about this age is there is no emotional responsibility. we don’t owe anything to anyone now. We are free to live our life and our friends will understand because they know we have a life outside too, and we will do the same. I personally am not so fond of my professional, mature life and honestly the sole reason that I have been able to survive is that my friends are cruel enough to drag me out of my life every week. So, for the next 2 days I just like to forget that I have moved on, life has moved on.

Then the stage when the friends are more like resume, to highlight our capability our talent to the other party. It is rightly said that people are identified by their company. I remember my mum always saying to choose friends wisely.
The Kitty parties with the other ladies or the drinks with the colleagues, shopping with the neighbour or business or stock market  discussions, preparing dinner together or debating on the political views, worrying about kids future or worrying about the price rise, for married people it may have any of these definition.

But in a nut shell it is someone who is there with us, who supports us or encourages us when we are right and who stops us when we are wrong and he never stop doing that how hard you try. Someone who is mature with you and who is stupid with you. With whom we don’t have to think twice before saying or doing something because we know it is alright and even if they get angry, they won’t be able to stay angry for long, who knows our importance in their life and who are equally important for us, with whom we just don’t have to be the one carrying all the weight of the world alone, who will laugh for sure if we did something stupid but when we are neck deep in that mess, they will be the one pulling us out.

This can go on and on and I wanna right so much more, about all of this. But it’s getting way out of your patience word limit so I’m gonna wrap up right here.

No matter how far we get from our friends, no matter how long it has been since we last talked to them, but the memories that we share, the future plans that we are involved in, the one ‘Missing you’ message or the one ‘Where the hell have you been! ‘ message or the out of the blue 2 am call when we know only that crazy friend could call like that; only these things matter. Only this defines friendship in true sense.
If you have someone in your life that you can relate to by reading this, I am telling you don't let this one go. Because even if this one irritates you like hell and get on your nerves by doing everything you hate, but they love you and sooner or later you will realize their value too. 

I am grateful for I got you guys J

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Keep it Simple silly ;)

Someone said think before you speak, someone else said think and plan before you do anything and you will get success. Did you read or heard anyone saying think about everything to be happy? No. Because it is so not true. You start thinking and there happiness goes out through the same door, We start taking things so seriously that we forget the motto, motto of being happy and staying happy. I also forgot this, and realised it, while I started thinking about it and realising that my smile faded the moment I started going through the logics and facts, 'Whats' and 'Whys'. Why humans need to take everything so seriously, why do we need to complicate things so bad, what is wrong with us! Why do we want everything to be our way!

Keep it simple silly. Yes, stop making things so messed up and confusing all the times. Although I am the one who needs it the most.
We humans are the dominating breed. We have always been the controllers. We just can't let anyone or anything take this privilege from us. We have been taught to be perfect from the day we were born, to do only the right thing. However the definition of right may vary person to person. The point is we tend to do things our own way, in the best possible way we can. We try to set things right all the time. That is how we start making it difficult for ourselves. Don't take me the wrong way. I am not telling you to do the exact opposite of what you should do, all I am asking for is for you to start taking things a little lightly. For once, its good to be wrong, its good to fail, its good to be sad and its good to be broken.
Only bitterness can prove the importance of sweetness, only sadness can make happiness worth it, only failure can make a success so huge.
In our day today life, from a very small scale we are doing it all right so wrong, that we got habitual of this.
When a child comes into existence, the family has this pressure of doing things in prefect way for the child. They start living in a way they never thought of, they become someone they never dreamt of, for the child. With this comes the expectations part. They start 'thinking' that they have done so much for them, the child should become a big man, someone successful. In addition to this there is the pressure of the society we live in. How can someone tell us that our child is not so great or not that deserving or not so right! So with this fear, the way life should go on changes. Now why did all this happened, why the parents who undoubtedly love their child but still kept him in so much pressure and agony that the child secretly wished they were never his parents!Why this all started in the first place, because the parents took it all very seriously and the child reacted too strong.
The day when someone asked us 'What do you want to become when you grow up?' we all had some unique dream, that distinguished us from others,it was so raw, so fresh. We may have sounded silly but we were honest, we were determined to follow our heart and be someone we want to. But then When it comes to building a career, we thought of 'Success', 'fame', 'stability', 'job security', and above all 'Money'. A man has to feed his family, a girl has to be independent. We never thought of this when we were just 10, we were happy back then, we were doing what we loved. Now we are thinking, about the future, and so stopped living the present.
We have become so conscious of the people around us, about what they think of us, about how will they judge us, that we end up doing something we normally wouldn't have done. I have seen the teen girls making fun of someone else because they just want to fit in, I have seen guys doing drugs because they want to show their peers that they are also cool, small children to ask for some expensive toy because the kid's friends have that. Now do you think all this is worth it? Do you really want to change just because you want to be accepted by some stranger. We naturally want this, but do we really need to do this?
I was so much into this fact that I have to be ready to die all the time, yes I started enjoying more, started living more, but now when I think about it, I feel, everything will happen when it is meant to be.
Now I feel that we need to stop controlling, and start accepting. Stop doing things the way we should, stop controlling things to make it happen the way we want them to and start accepting that we can't control everything. Some things are better left on destiny, if it is meant to be broken, whatever we do, we will go through that painful heartbreak. If it is what is going to happen, no matter how hard we try, we are going to screw up things. No matter how much we think about it, and how much we think we are prepared for it or how much we have thought it over, when the time comes, we won't have any control on the last things, the last words, the last good byes. There are things that we just can't understand.
We grew up with this thing in mind that do good and nothing bad will happen to you, and whatever happens, happens for the good, now I don't know whether its true or not, because for a while, I need to stop thinking and start going with the flow, act normal, be weak, be vulnerable. For once, I think its okay to be not okay. It is okay to be sad, to be wrong. For once, I am going to stop planning things, to be unprepared, if something good happens during that, I will be more than happy and if not I am not going to smile and think that tomorrow is going to be better, I am going to cry for today, for the bad that happened. I am done thinking.
I am not going to complicate things any more for me, I want to make it simple, simply happy or simply sad, nothing else.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Welcome Adulthood

Life is harsh sometimes. May be it is a little difficult for me these days or may be its just me who is behaving like a cry baby these days. I don't know what but I am not 'The Fan' of my life recently. Why? Because I grew up! I don't want to brag or exaggerate about anything but once you are settled, you just lose everything!

Today I have a nice job with decent salary and a very busy life that I always wanted, and yes I am loving this hectic schedule but something's not right. I got friends around me, friends who were there in my college days, those helped me mould into what I am today but something's missing. I have awesomest parents who support me like anything, whom I call for every little decision from the amount of spices in the biryani to deciding something real huge and important but again that doesn't seem enough.

I got everything anyone of my age could ask for, then why am I not happy! Why does my father has to give me a lecture about staying happy in any condition possible, daily! Why does my mother has to be worried because her daughter is not so happy. Why my friends have to listen to me grieving over nothing! Well I guess life is just too perfect for me!

When I was 10, I used to look over to my dad and used to think one day I will earn too, then I would get whatever I want, I will be happy. Those small toys weren't just enough for me. I didn't want to play in large play grounds or under the sky. Today this is what I desperately want. Anyone up for bidding :P

Rains and sun and winds used to be something I din't use to think about much earlier but now when I am witnessing everything through that rectangular 5 by 5 window, I know how much I want to go out.
All the small things seem to matter now.

Now when I pass through that playground daily while going to office, I just want to skip the office and play with those kids, score a goal or hit a four! I don't want to go back to that place where everything's so Grown up stuff! I want to be a kid again.

Today I saw a woman feeding her child, and I flashed back to the times when it was all with me. Now all the childhood stories are, well, stories, memories! I remember getting scolded by my mom for sitting in front of the computer screen for so long and as always I used to revolt against it. But today, I want to revolt, because I don't want to sit in front of the screen for even 1 more minute.

I heard, when you are young you have the energy and money to live your life but don't have time for it, As of now, I have time also but I don't know what has changed. Because I am just not liking it. I realised this when I had this bizarre idea of leaving the job and run back to my parents. I can actually do that, because I ran back when I was not able to find a decent accommodation. Yes, I ran! I ran from the problems instead of finding the solution. I ran, call me a coward for that. I am not so perfect, no!

The times when the smiles were genuine, the talks were all about the movies or crushes or shoes are all gone. I just talked to a friend and realised it is still there. It is me who is trying to escape  from it. I have this thing in my mind that now I am a grown up, I have to act mature, I have to calculate everything, I have to plan things and I have to decide what am I going to do in near future and all that grown up s**t!

I guess I just grew up! The child inside me that was playing, laughing and doing all the stupid things is gone. It's dead. I don't know if it was required or not, but it just happened. I want it to come back, because it's not so fun without it. Something's eating me from inside. I don't remember when was the last time when I had a peaceful night's sleep or when I was last satisfied with whatever is going on in my life.

There is this layer of darkness around me. I want it gone.

I know I sound very depressing. Trust me I am not depressed. I am just sad, I am sad because life moves on, because nothing lasts forever, because I can't go back in time.

 < PS: I really wish I can get a time travelling machine somehow :P >

 But the truth is my life is not so much stable right now and I know it will be very soon, till then allow me to cry about it :D Once I get comfortable with all the changes that have been going around lately, all will be well.

Talking about the changes, I hate them ! I don't even try any new cuisine in some restaurant and here we are talking about staying all by yourself, cooking for yourself, taking care of yourself, acting accordingly everywhere, no friends around to keep you in your comfort zone, all strange faces, everything unique, everything happening for the first time, so pardon me if I sound a little ridiculous/coward, I am scared of the changes. I absolutely don't want them. But as someone said, a change won't help you grow in your life if you can get comfortable with it. So here I am waiting for this BIG CHANGE to change my life, to help me get better.

But for now I want to get peace about this, to accept it, and to accept the fact that the old times are not coming back for sure, So, I have to work, to make this one better than before, so that in future I can say my working life was so much better than this :D

I want to be happy. After all for me life is all about staying happy. This is all I want. I don't want anything else.

Saturday, 10 May 2014


This word can bring a lot of beautiful cherishing memories. This word can put a wide smile on anyone's face that people can be mistaken that you are mad. This word has so intense feelings associated with it that no one can deny the fact that it reminds him of so many things.
Mother is a synonym for love for me. Mother is the element that has the capability to balance everything in nature. Mothers are the angels sent on Earth by God because He can't look after everyone at the same time, the angels who take care of you, who are willing to sacrifice everything and by everything, I literally mean every single thing as far as her child is happy.  I think God was in a very happy mood when He created this Godly creature, or may be He was too lazy to take care of His children that He looked up for His alternate and that is how we got Mother.
Mother, another word for love, sacrifice, satisfaction, care, hope, life, comfort, wisdom and in some cases food also. For a friend her mother is a positive vibe, she is the warmth for another. PS: I may be the source of the last one :P
Long before you were born, she has started living for you. Even if she doesn't want to eat, she did eat so that her baby is born healthy. She starts sacrificing her wills and likes because she had to stay back and take care of herself and more importantly her baby. Even the woman who is an unstoppable machine and whose favourite hobby is to take care of her family, takes a break from all this, because she has to be healthy for her child. The time when she had her baby closest to her, in her womb is said to be her favourite time, because she can feel the heartbeat of her child, every movement, and she is so desperate to see her child, her healthy child. So she starts with all those prayers. She won't miss a God to pray to, for the well being of her baby. That's how a mother is. She tolerates all the pain too, for the moment, the moment when her child sees the light of this world, when she can be relieved that her baby is fine. The day her baby is born is said to be the only day when a mother smiles when her child is crying because in any other day a mother cries for every single bad thing going on in our lives. That is the most amazing thing about a mother, you don't even need to tell her about your life, she knows everything, and she will be the one next to you in any and every condition.

Then comes another stage in her life, in your life, of all the sleepless nights because you are a stupid kid who just can't sleep when she needs to complete some work or who has to be hungry when your mother just lay down for a 15 minutes nap or you have to poop when she is about to have something to eat after a marathon of 23 hours and 45 minutes. Yes, a child is cruel, I know! But did she ever tried to escape from all this, umm, No! She feels like she is the only one who can take care of you. Try handling a baby badly and get ready for some serious shit because that kid's mother is noticing you from the other room too through the window. A mother has her eyes on her child every second. So be careful next time, don't tell me I din't warn you. And when you are a toddler she need not hit a gym, because she is going to turn into a skeleton anyway. Thanks to you of-course.

Well after this never ending exercise, she still has to be your tutor. Every mother wants her child to be the President of the nation! So, you have no excuse to skip that homework or get involved in any fight. That is absolutely intolerable. And if you still be the notorious kid who never listens to his mother, well, get ready for some slaps and some blows! Yeah yeah I was very notorious not to mention stubborn.

I remember the time when I was stubborn enough to not tell where I kept the cupboard keys and my father hung me upside down to scare me, and I was still not admitting anything and the best part was I didn't even hide the keys and I had no idea about it! But as I said I was the notorious one in my family. I can bet on it, that I am still such a pain to handle :P

The times when your mother stays up for the midnight tea in your board exams, times when she wants her child to be perfect, when she will make you learn something you don't want to at that time but later on realise that yes it is very helpful and you silently thank your mom for teaching you that. When you are asked for help in the kitchen so that she can have some time from your BUSY schedule, so that she can know what is going on with her little bird because her bird has got little wings and doesn't want to be in the nest any more. She hardly hear your stories after you got new friends in school, when the conversation between you two is just the formal questions about the routine and lunch and sometimes not even that and the times when she had the nights when she didn't sleep because she saw you upset but you didn't share your sorrow. Yes our teenage days!!
Do you remember the day when you scored good marks and she bragged about how good you are in studies to every other person in the society? Or the day when you fell from your bi-cycle and after scolding you for a moment, she cried and then lifted the world upside down and did everything in her control so that you recover soon?
The Birthdays!! They were special because you get to eat all your favourite food, when you are allowed to do anything stupid and because it is your birthday and you can't get a slap as a gift, the gifts, that new dress, the dress that she bought for us, yes, in our times, our mothers used to pick clothes, shoes and every other possible thing for us. Ohh I miss those days!

The day when you left your HOME, for further studies, you remember who cried the most, who called you 10 times a day to make sure you are doing okay, to make sure you are eating properly, to make sure your room-mates are not causing any trouble or the hostel warden and in case she is, our mum is all set to make a call. God Bless the warden! When she used to wake up early so that she can wake you up on time, the expected but unexpected mathri that she used to send with every relatives' relative for you and even after that her pet line after seeing you, that you have got thinner! You can never be fat for her, if she can control it, every person in this world will look like a balloon.

I was not a perfect kid for my mother, but every mother is the perfect mother and I am pretty sure everyone wants to say at this moment 'My Mom is the Best'. Noooo !! My mother is the Bestest! :) I have made so many mistakes in my life till now and the list continues, but  her love remains intact. She continues to forgive you, she continues to love you. Nothing in the world can change this fact. No matter what you do, she will still be the same for you. After so many hardships, she may change but she will never change for you. A mother would sacrifice anything and do anything for her kid. Every child must have experienced such event at least once. This is why mothers are so special. I don't know what my mother is composed of! She will be very angry if I do something wrong, we won't talk for a day and she will still be worried if I had my meals or not, if I am okay or not even if she has to take help of my father to do so. But she will ensure that I am okay. In that case, the fight is going to get dirty :D But in the end, last line would be 'Don't do this next time otherwise I am not going to talk to you.' but she still does talk every time :)

One thing I learnt in these 22 years is your parents are always right. They want good for you. So stop questioning everything they say and stop just being a rebel, it is fun I know, no one can understand this better but let me tell you one thing, if it causes sadness to your parents, it is not worth it. They want you to have a perfect trouble-free life and yes it took me that long to realise that, bad kid I am :P

Unlike most of the people in IT sector, I was lucky enough to get few months to spend with my parents, my mum, after college. I thank God for that now, it was frustrating to sit idle no doubt but the love and warmth, the care and homely feeling was what I crave for now.
Then the time when you are afraid of telling your father about the love of  your life, she supports you and also convinces your father for you. (Just Saying :D ) The time when you don't know how to talk about your dreams and your aims but she is the Ginny. You won't even know when a miracle happens and the next day your father says 'Do what you want to do, I support you.'

I remember the talk with my mom when I said 'I wanna see this world, I wanna learn and that is how I wanna spend my salary' and you know what she understood me, she stood by me. We shared my dream after that. She was worried about me, but she was not too protective to keep me in a shell, she loved me, but she didn't spoil me, hopefully I turned out to be a better kid! She was lenient but when needed she was the one to scold me first. She misses me but still doesn't let me know, to protect me. She won't tell me the bad news about her health or family or about anything else because she doesn't want to upset me. She still thinks I am her little girl, the stupid one, but she also knows that I am what I need to be right now and I will grow up. She still wants me to be mature, to take up responsibilities,  to continue her legacy, of her life, but she doesn't want me to have the burden all over my shoulder. She has taught me well how to handle any kind of situation. What I am today is because of all the care and wise words by my mum and all the life lessons and tips by my papa.

When someone asks about my role model, I get so confused shall I say mum, papa or di ! Because yes, they all are just perfect. Di also, another gift by my mum to me, and she is The Best! Ohh yeah mom always say I forget my younger brother, so not going to forget you here bhai :) You are also cute, sweet and best bro!

For the family I have I can't thank enough to God, to my mum. Because as they say,

                                                  HOUSE + FAMILY = HOME

And most of the credit goes to maa for this :) PS: Papa don't be jealous, it's maa's day today :) :)

My mother is  a gift. I love her, I respect her and I am going to do anything for her, for her happiness too. like she does for me. I know I don't stand a chance to give her the same happiness ever but I will not let any more of her days to be bad in any case, by anyone. I want her to be happy and be proud of her daughter. I want to be her perfect daughter. 

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Happy World

Sometimes, we know something but we still need a trigger to do it. The same thing happened with me recently. I just watched the movie 'Jai Ho'. Don't judge me by my choice, Salman Khan fan here :P
Now about the movie: one thing I loved the most was the concept that says instead of saying thank you to anyone, just help 3 other people and tell them to do the same. This is what I loved about the whole movie.
We people are very compassionate about everything. We do get sad when we see someone struggling, when we see that they are not even able to have a meal or not fortunate enough to get the basic necessities. Yes, we do get sad when we see someone becoming the victim of anything bad, when something very wrong is happening. It could be anything, accident, a fight, unfair system etc. But the point is are we doing anything about it! No. 
We got a heart, we got feelings, so we are supposed to feel bad. But we will be the good humans if we try to make a change. One man can actually make a difference, as the movie says and shows. 
I believe we have the power to make a change. We just need to realise that and stop taking our powers too casually. We have to take a break from our busy lives once in a while. No, we don't even need to do that . We just have to do whatever good we can do on our way. 
We have been so involved in getting everything that we forgot that real happiness is satisfaction. If a man can'e be satisfied with what he has, he can't be happy ever. The key is be happy with what you have now and then try to work for better. The satisfaction we can get when we see the smile on someone's face because we just helped them is happiness. To know that the other person has one less thing to worry about now because you helped him is happiness. When you know that you just did something good is happiness. 
We have some days when everything seems too bad, when we feel like it can't get worse, think about the people who are orphan, or handicapped or unemployed or unloved. So instead of worrying about our problems in those blue days just help the needy ones and trust me you will forget your pain.
If we can just try and do a little from our side, we can surely make a lot of change. Think about it. If this chain continues unbroken, how many people would have a smile on their face. We help 3, they help 9, and they help 27. Lets make a resolution to help anyone whenever we have a chance to do so. There are so many who need someone to help them, lets be the one for them. Till now we must have avoided some critical situations, we may have avoided helping anyone out of the fear of getting into trouble. Lets resolve to not do that now onwards. Let us get together for a better life, for a better place to live in, where people are not just compassionate, they are good enough to lend a helping hand. 
When you see someone begging for food, help them. When you see someone crying, provide emotional support to them. When you see someone in trouble, be useful. Help can be in any form, but I just want you to do good, be good. Be a better person. Be the one who is capable of making someone smile. Let us all together make it a better world, not a place where we can't be sure if something bad happens to us or anyone, no one would be there. You know what it could be just a very small gesture from your side but it can be a new hope, a new life for someone. You may be thinking that you just helped that lady with her heavy baggage, not a big deal but she may be tired of the fights going on in her house, and is fed up of her life but this small help may have made up for it. You may have just helped that blind guy cross the road, but may be that guy has lost all the hopes and you may have worked as the new ray of hope for him.
Every small thing we do shows that we care and being cared can do magic. When you know that someone out there cares about you, want to see you smiling, want you to be happy can be something a man can live for. So next time you have a chance of offering for anything as minute as a smile, please do. Because you never know what it can do to other, how much happiness it can bring to other person. For me if you are happy and if you are capable of making someone else happy, then you have conquered the world.
I can see the happiness in the eyes of that house-keeping lady when I generally ask her if she had her meal, I can feel the blessing in the greetings of that gate-keeper when I just wish them good-afternoon. I can see the smiling eyes of some kid on the streets when I smile at them. Words of care can make it so good, just imagine how much worth a kind gesture would be. 
It is a very small world, what you do today is going to come back to you someday soon. So, if you are doing good, trust me, soon you will get it back. 
I want to see everyone around me happy. I want to see people smiling. I want to assure that all is good for them. I am going to try, I am going to work for it. Happy World is what I want and dream about. Because we all deserve to be happy. :)
In the end thank you to everyone who has helped me and made me smile and made me feel good in those tough days. I am going to help 3 people for every help I got. :)
This video explains it in the best possible way  :

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Poor Guy

In my previous post I talked about how unfair the world is to girls. Now let's see the other side of the story ;)
              Are guys and girls really equal? This is the time when I will say, no they are not equal. I mean whenever something happens, it is the guy who is the person responsible to fix it, one who has to and who must fix everything. No excuses! I don’t recall the time when a girl has to take the responsibility of the house maintenance or taking up the job of the plumber!
Let’s see this from a guy’s perspective now. From the childhood days a guy has to learn how to be the ‘Responsible’ son of his parents. With all that responsibility comes the pressure of being a good son. Poor guys! They don’t have the privilege to act careless as it would show that they are not being serious and it would lead to them being useless!
             A guy has to learn how to fix things from his childhood days because ultimately he has to take over the job his dad has been doing for years. He is a guy, he is a fixer! Talking about the facts, male to female ratio in India is 908:1000. So when I say this, that 92 guys won’t be getting his better half, then do believe it. So, who would want that for their son! So the race starts; the race to make their son the perfect bachelor; the race to make him capable enough to deserve a good wife! You don’t want to be one of those 92 guys, do you? In this very competitive world, one more competition for the poor guy!
             For a girl, the only thing that she needs to learn of all is cooking but a guy has to earn! Girls can be so carefree when it comes to careers and life goals, because well, they can rely on their ‘husband’ for that. He has to be independent; he has to be capable of supporting his future family. He has to work towards it, to build his future, to achieve his goals as he has no other option. He is the one who is meant to take care of it, and he just can’t back out from this duty. But this poor guy here has to know a little bit of household works also, you need to know everything for that ‘in case’ situation.
              A guy has to take care of his family throughout his life. He has to look after his parents, his siblings, and finally his future family. Sorry guys for shattering your dreams if you think being a guy is good, because it actually bad. You won’t be getting fun or freedom, but loads and loads of responsibilities. Health and education, necessities and luxury, it’s all in your plate. You will have her by your side always but ultimately it would be you who has to do something about it. So get ready to have a very tough life.
                Now if a guy is lucky enough to get a girl, get ready because life will be unfair for you. She will dominate; she will treat you like anything. You are always the one who will be blamed for everything, because girls are too sensitive to take all that. Even if a girl is wrong, you have to say sorry!
                Then you have this time constraint to get a decent job, to get settled. Worst part is you treat your girl, your wife, your daughter like the princess or queen, but you are not appreciated for that. One mistake and all goes in vain.
Then the reservation for females: in buses, in jobs, in colleges and everywhere else! Girls get better of all. Everyone treats them so nicely and is always ready to help, but when it comes to guys, they won’t help even if it’s their job to help! I feel sorry for you, for every fight you have to be involved in, for every sacrifice you have to make, for every stupid thing you do to make her smile, for everything you do, for her. You have to take care of your family and also have to do anything in your control to see them happy. You are guy, tough from outside but in reality you do care a lot. You would want them to be happy.
                  A guy is the ‘Head of the House’; and trust me, that’s the toughest job. You don’t have any off ever. You have to work in office then you have to complete your fatherly works and then your wife demands that family outing she has been planning.

"Life’s tough for you, very complicated. So, if you think being a guy is the best thing in the world, think again."
All the best guys :D

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Poor Girl

Girls and Guys . Yes they are equal, as per the rules and facts at least! But are they really considered equal? Most of the girls will reply to this the same, ‘NO’ and I am one of them.
From the childhood days, we girls are made to learn things that will make us a family person, a happy to be with, to have as a part of family type of person. We are taught to cook and do other household works because as they say a girl is of no use if she can’t cook for her Godly husband! She has to feed them. And of course to make them the best of all other eligible bachelorette of her age, they must, a strict must, know how to do other works, as you can’t rely on anyone else for your daily works, dah !
But the best part is this is the modern era, now everyone wants a girl who is well educated, not to mention working because who knows when this talent of the girls might come in handy. So the sarcasm here is we are expected to learn every household activity, and we have to compete with the male members to get good score, a good college and finally a good job. Ohh I almost forgot to mention, boys and girls are equal. So if a guy can go out to get the grocery or if he can drive us to our workplace, we must be capable of doing the same. We have to have the talent the male society got, you know why, because girls and guys are equal!
But then from the age of 5 years, they start training us, more like the taming. Because we are the girls, we have to laugh like a lady, walk and talk like one, and yeah we never ever are allowed to raise our voices even if something is not right. We don’t have the privilege to question anyone, and by anyone I literally mean anyone, because we can’t afford to seem rude, no! Apart from training and taming you know what else is not right, it’s when you grow up with the continuous dialogue by your mum that you are going to get married someday, and this is not your home! Why !!
When you turn 15, congratulations, life is going to suck for you girl, and as usual it’s because you are a girl. You won’t be allowed to do so many things. Going out would be more of a hell for you because of those staring eyes and cheap people and you are just 15 so you don’t even know how to handle it. I seriously pity you girl. Then this growing age, and confused mind, you have so much more in your plate, the hormone issues, the temper issues, the teenage problems and what not. But don’t worry, you won’t be treated any differently even now. We still have to be in our limits. Guys are the ones who are meant to break the rules, not girls! Guys make a mistake, it’s because they are learning, they are growing, and when girls make a mistake, how dare she!  I don’t know why people get so hypocrite on this topic. Every things good with the guys and when it comes to girls they would like to keep them imprisoned until they just transfer them from one cell to other, ie. Her parents’ home to her in-laws’ home! PS: It still won’t be your home, because it’s your husband’s place. So don’t ever dare to commit any mistake!
Moving on.. The adult life, when parents pressurize us to get married. You want to work, to achieve what you always wanted, but ohh poor girl how can you forget this job was not because they wanted you to achieve your dreams, it was more of an investment! The more qualified you are, the better husband you get, that’s the deal. But don’t be too good, because then either your parents would find difficulty in searching for the perfect groom or you will end up doing nothing, because how can you be better than your husband!
Then comes the part when you finally want to have a little fun in your life, because in your school days you had to wait for the college, den in college wait for the job, and even when you are working, you are not supposed to have a little fun, go out with friends, because the world out there is not safe, so girl, wait, wait for your hubby to show you places. So finally after getting married you hope that now is the time, but wait, you are a girl, you are supposed to stay back, and remain low, as you can’t just get out just after your marriage! What would ‘Society’ think of you! After 1 year of marriage, you even started shopping for your vacations. PS: shopping is the only thing girl can actually enjoy pre and post marriage! But ohh no, how can you take it so lightly, you have one more major role: Family Planning! Food and Kids are your major responsibility, never ever forget that! So again you are not allowed to go out. Yes not allowed, you are just 30 now, you don’t know what is good and what is bad for you. You are such a child! And after all the sacrifices and compromised you won’t be admired, you know why, because it was your job, you are a girl and that’s what is expected of you!

And this cycle never ever stops. I am sure I would be on the other side after 20-30 years, but right now I am here, right now I am frustrated, fed up of all this. I am a girl. I have survived in toughest of all conditions. I am the one who is there for you when you needed to, so in return, yes I do expect a little respect, empathy and love! I am a girl because I have the gu
ts to be one! So being girl is awesome for me, because I know guys won’t be able to take that much! 

Monday, 31 March 2014


This is my first post of this kind, so I don’t know if I am using the right words or not.
Love, a word described by many, a feeling felt by all. Everyone has a different definition for what love is. I have my own. Love:  Life.  For me, love is a feeling that inspires you to live. It is not necessarily with your lover or friends or your family. Even if you love yourself or anything, you have a goal. You know what you are living for. Lucky are the ones who know what they want!
So, yeah I experienced it, I encountered many who were on the cloud nine because they were in LOVE. I also met many who just wanted their misery to end anyhow, because they just had a heart-break.  There were many who loved their parents more than anything, and the others who loved themselves. I am not judging anyone, because it’s their life, their decision.
I am actually happy to say that because of this feeling, people are showing some of the human traits! They are familiar with the words sacrifice, compromise, passion and kindness. It feels so good to see that they know what makes them happy and who makes them happy.
I think when there is a name in your mind with whom you want to share anything and everything, with whom you want to celebrate your happiness is when you are in love. When you can do anything for it and when you can face every problem with a smile, you are in love. In love, you find your life meaningful. The butterfly feeling is not superficial :P You are ready to do anything to just see the smile on their face. At times, you put them above you too. Because this is love, it is stupid, it is crazy but it is also what makes you happy.
But love is also relative. In the end you will know what you love the most. This is when things get complicated. There are times when you disagree to compromise, or when you just can’t get hold of what is right and what is wrong.  You are made to choose between your dreams, your life and your love. This is the time when you just can’t decide what you want more. Then there are days when you just don’t feel like it’s going in the right direction and you should have never taken the first step. The time when you regret everything you did, the time when you just can’t stop thinking about all the bad decisions you ever made and how different your life would have been if it’s not for them. When you try to show yourself that you are strong enough to go through this but every second every part of you just want to give up. When you want to cry so hard, to scream out so load that you no longer can hear the sound of your own thoughts. This is the time when you can’t get any weaker. This is the time when you will start getting better. So when it feels like it’s the worst day of your life, smile because tomorrow is going to be a good day for you.
I still don’t get it why some of the heart-broken people go for self-destruction. It isn’t what love is. Love is life and you are alive. Taking such drastic steps makes you incapable of loving. If the love is true, just move on with your life. My favourite quote is not a lie!
“Whatever happens happens for good”.
So if you find yourself in such a position ever, don’t worry, because it’s just for something better. You have a lot more to learn. You have a lot more to achieve. When the ‘Right One’ is there, you won’t get apart, I can promise you that. No one can change the course of your life, so you just have to complete your role and the rest will be taken care of. I am not expecting you to not cry or fall apart. All I am asking for is you to be strong. Life is never unfair.
Love makes you laugh, makes you cry, holds you together, and makes you fall apart. But it’s just the ups and downs that make it so worth living for. You can’t always get what you want, but what you get is always what you need. Think of all the good memories love has given you and cherish them. All you need to do is know what you want.
Love is a feeling that completes me, I love my life, I love everything about it, and I love everyone in it. I chose to smile instead of moping over anything. For me, love is the happy feeling. For me, it is worth living for. J

Friday, 14 March 2014

Fake Life!

We have come so far in life today that we forgot to actually live our life. Yes ! Today life seems so artificial, so calculated to me. 

When we were young, life seems so out of control, we were not allowed to even choose our food or clothes. That time all we can think of was growing up so that we can decide everything and live as per our will. But now when I am the in charge of my life, I want to be a kid again. Not because I am fed up the work or responsibilities but just because deciding everything is so exhausting. 
Calculating every possible consequence of our action has become a habit for us and deep down we know we have stopped living freely because of this but it is what it is. 
I miss the time when I used to say what I really wanted to say instead of thinking about the long-term consequences. The time when people were actually good, when they used to talk when they actually wanted to, not because they have some motive. Innocence is gone. The time when smiling was just a gesture to show that you care. The time when you could differentiate between good and bad. Now, in this grey world, you just don't know what is actually right. There are two-faced people, there are liars. And what is the worst part of all this is we are taught to be one of them because they say to survive in  jungle you have to be an animal yourself!
We are free! We are free to be slaves of this society. Because if we don't act like how we are supposed to, we won't survive for a minute. And when I say I have tried that believe it. With these passing years we aren't taught to live our life, we are taught to fix in this society of Robots! We lack emotions, we lack truth, we lack innocence and we lack life. 
Life is good, we just stopped living life. We got into this vicious circle of unreal materialism.  We became coward. We stopped saying or doing anything for us.
Relations, emotions, compassion seem just some superficial words. Happiness is not an emotion today, it is not any feeling. Today happiness for most is money, fame, power or whatever they dream of. But do they find happiness ever! I doubt it.
Helping people is another 'give and take' process today, just like love. 
Before joining I had so many talks with my father on learning diplomacy, professional behaviour that in the process I lost the meaning of my life. Thank God that my will was stubborn enough to go back to what it was before. Yes I want to learn things but not because someone else told me so, I want to learn by my mistakes. I want to experience a little bad too, to evolve, to grow, to fall and to rise up again. 

Yes, I learnt how to live that artificial life that everyone is living and has to live in this world, but now I know how to balance between both. 
I am glad to find that there is still hope left for us, because we at least care enough to make our parents happy. At least some of us do! This might be a start to a better world, to be happier world! 
Because we are not robots who have to fake every movement, we are real people. We feel, We love, We get Hurt, We make mistakes and We get better every time!

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Happily_Ever_After for Committed people ;)

Most people must have gone through a bad relationship and most of them must be really into it. Now the point is ‘What went Wrong’. This list will point out some of the common mistakes people usually do and avoiding them can really help you to make your relationship work. Hope it helps.

10. Not a Boss:
This thing is to be kept in every relationship not just for couples. It is okay to care for the person but caring doesn’t mean to boss around. Being caring doesn’t mean to force other people to do what you want them to do and live their lives as per your wish. It is their life and you can’t order them to live it in your way. So this nature is a relation-spoiler for sure. By being too bossy and trying to make things according to your will all the time will show that it is just you and not US present in the relation. You are supposed to be the better half of the person so treat them equally and realize their importance. Else you will end up single with a broken heart.

9. Don’t be the accountant:
It is good to take care and maintain an account of the money spent but once you are in a relationship, you just can’t do it openly in front of her if you are a guy! It has been the custom that men are supposed to spend money (excluding some special occasions!) and it is okay to maintain a record of how much you have spent and do some savings also. But it is a strict ‘NO NO’ to keep on telling your girl about how much money you have spent on her this week or month. It will make her feel like she is no more a financial burden on you and it would be better for you if she leaves you. And I’m sure you don't want this. You may be left wondering why she left you but let me tell you, girls are over-thinkers and you can’t imagine how far they can think.

8. Don't be Materialistic:
This tip is especially for girls. If you want a serious commitment you need to change your thinking that boys are meant to spend money on you and it is your right to make them do so. They are also bounded by other responsibilities and you can't just take them as your cashiers! You are just proving yourself materialistic who is interested in their money not in them! If it is all about money then it is not a relationship but a business. And you know businesses don't last forever. So if you really want your relationship to work, you must not make him feel like a bank to you. You should try to be on an equal status by paying some bills or by giving him some presents. If you are married then I would say you are a family now. Now you both are together and you need to get above the thinking of individuality.

7. Dragging the Past:
Everyone has a past but what you need to do is love in your present if you want a future with your partner. If they are with you now and are being loyal to you then you need not to worry and you should forget about their past because they are determined now to be with you. So support them and help them in keeping the love between you two. Stop making them regret it and don't ever compare the present with their past because what matters the most is your love and now by reminding them of their past you are creating troubles only. Now if we talk about the problems you two faced in the past, you faced it and you have moved on, there is no point in blaming the other for the mishap that happened in the past. You need to let go of the things and if you really want this relationship to work, you need to forget and forgive.

6. Trying to Change:
Changes are good, but when we talk about relationships, it is playing the negative role. Forcing your partner all the time to change is like forcing them to be someone else. In the starting phase of relationships you may have said the same sentence “I like the way you are!” but were you honest when you said that? I don’t think so. You should try to accept them the way they are. You loved them that way only so why try to change them. Because they will mould for you, but they too have a limit and after it they will feel like they are bounded. If we talk about you now, then if you are also changing according to your partner beyond your limit, then I would suggest you to stop. Because you can compromise up to a level and after that you would be craving to be free. So try to talk and solve things out.

5. Lack of Communication:
This is the most common reason of the problems in a relationship. When you stop talking to each other and when you are no longer communicating, how are you supposed to be in a relationship? You may be busy with your work and you may be lacking topics to talk about after a long relationship, but if there is no communication between you two, you are creating distances only and it is not at all good for both if you. This is a strict requirement in a relationship. If you have nothing to talk about, try to spend some time together and your relationship will be back on the right track.

4. Don't Abandon:
Make your partner feel like they are your second priority and you are single once again. When people are committed to a relationship, all they expect from the other one is their attention and love. But if you prove yourself to be the opposite, your relation is going to have a dead end. When you are out with your friends and your partner, it is good to pay attention to your friends as it is supposed to be a social meeting, but among your friends ignoring your partner or considering them as just another friend would be very wrong. No one can tolerate it. As they want to be treated specially. Not necessarily all the time but they deserve some of your intimate moments also. Even when you are out with your friends or family but without your partner, don't think now you are free to avoid them. You should inform them about it as they may be actually worried about you. So guys abandoning your partner in any case can be a relationship killer.

3. Don't Lie:
This is a tip difficult to implement. But is the most important key factor for the success of a relationship. There is very popular English saying “A Building can’t be strong if its foundations are weak.” This applies here also. A relationship can’t last long if it was started on a base of lies. You need to be completely honest with your partner. There is no place for lies here. You should be honest in all the situations. Even when you are wrong, you should tell them the truth as they deserve it. So avoid lies as today or tomorrow they are going to badly affect your relation only; because lies have very small life. So better be safe and be truthful.

2. Never Compare:
This is the most common mistake done by the people in relationship. At first they act like they love you so much and they don't even see anyone else except you but with time all the facts are uncovered and you get to know the whole thing. This thing turns out real bad when they start comparing you with other people or they start comparing your relationships with other. So this is a really big problem and it has ended many relationships also. So keep this thing in mind never compare your partner or your relationship with others because you may not be fully familiar with them and you are just seeing the good parts. But Roses always come with thorns. And it is not just about sharing your thoughts with your partner, but you shouldn't have this comparison round even in your mind as it will ruin your relation from your side also. So avoid Comparisons.

1.Don't Over-think:
This thing should be avoided in general traits of life also. Thinking about something again and again will do no good. It will just make things go wrong. If you are going through a rough patch thinking about it over and over again will increase the grudges instead of solving the problem. What you need to do is let go. Secondly, if you have some problem with your partner, try to fix things but if there is no improvement, don't keep on thinking about that small issue and make things wrong for both of you. As you are not accepting this fact and your partner will get irritated and you are likely to break-up. In the end, it is good if you are dreaming of having any future with your partner, but make sure you are not day dreaming because if you over-think about it, you are going to hurt yourself in the end.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Insecurity will destroy you

If you want to be successful in today’s world, you better be confident enough to cope up with this fast improving society. You may say you are good enough but deep down you may be the victim of insecurity. The first step in this direction is to accept this fact and after that we are here to help you gain that confidence back whether it is about you as an individual or it is about your relationship. Some of the tips that might help are:

10. Don’t Ignore:
Ignoring problems doesn’t solve them. If you feel the traces of insecurities in you, just face it. If you feel the problem with your partner instead of waiting for the time when he/she would adjust to that or there comes a big storm try to solve it. Mocking out would definitely worsen it. If they have some insecurity try to find out the reason behind that and let them know that you care. And if you are the victim then you should better start thinking why you have the insecurity and then take the complimentary actions and set the wrong things right.

9. Talk:
Talking can be the problem of every solution if done in the right way. Talk more about your problems to the one who cares and who would care enough to listen. Who knows you get the solution to your problem. If it’s about your partner even then talk to them that you know what is going on in their mind and you have noticed the changes. Make them feel comfortable enough to show that side of themselves. You would get to know about them more and they will feel they have you no matter what. Try to help them with whatever that is bothering them. May be you can prove to be a life saver.

8. Don’t give up or give in:
It’s fine if you are irritated because of the insecurities, it is human. But what you need to do is to try to find out the solution for your problem and never ever give up. Giving up would do no good. And if it is your partner who is feeling insecure than it is must that you try to make them feel better but in no circumstances you should give in. You are no dummy and you can’t keep changing yourself because of their insecurities. Don’t let the insecurities win over. Instead stay firm and remain who you are. Tell them that you are not okay with it and make your point clear. It would prevent any further misunderstandings and you can’t just keep on modifying .

7. Dig it out:
‘You have a problem go to its root.’, ‘In the core of every problem lies their solutions’; these all are not mere statements. To find the solution to any problem you need to get to the bottom of it. So think about it. What could be the reason of your insecurity? And when you know the problem you got the solution. If it is about your partner then I would say talk to them more about it. Let them spell it. Find out what happened that you have negative thoughts about yourself that caused this insecurity. May be that past experience is no more important in your life and you may be able to get over it.

6. Remain Busy:
This may not be the particular solution to this problem but you can’t ignore the fact that the more you stay free, the more negative thoughts you have. And negative thoughts would cause insecurity. So why not remove the factor completely. Keep yourself busy enough to avoid any negative thoughts. Indulge yourself in good things whatever you like. If you find out the insecurity in your partner then I would suggest the same to you also. Keep her busy. Take her out, make her feel special and needed and don’t give her time to think of anything else. Girls the same applies to you.

5. They are not Experts:
You have a best friend that is good. But you know what..! Even that person is no perfect human. So instead of taking advices from them think and help yourself. It doesn’t mean stop sharing things or stop listening to others. It simply means if your friend is saying something that you are not okay with, you better listen to yourself. If your friend has a failed relationship because of some reason doesn’t mean you would face the same. You two have different partners, different personalities and different conditions. So you better start using your own brain before its too late.
4. Trust:
This is the prime important factor in any relationship. Trust your better half if you want to be trusted too. Give love if you want love. You can’t just keep on looking into their personal stuff or mails or their cell phone. They have a personal life of their own and don’t ever try to sneak into their personal space. You may be out from their life also by doing so. Respect their feelings of privacy. Don’t be the detectives and find out the details about them until it’s too important.  You would be creating misunderstandings only. Instead trust them and strengthen your relationship.

3. Some principles but no scratching out the scrap:
Set some ground rules and don’t break them usually. Decide them by mutual discussion and happiness of both. You and your partner both had a life before this relationship also. So why let that life die. May be it was the life your partner loved. Set some principles that could be a day with friends in a week or may be a movie in a week together. But when they are out with their friends don’t envy that or doubt that. They are loyal don’t worry. You should not try to dig out the things to a level that makes them uncomfortable. Like if they said they went out to a bar, don’t try to force them to tell you every detail of it. And if there is a small issue between you too, try to solve it instead of creating a scene over it.

2. Self-Confidence:
Nothing attracts a man or woman more than self-confidence. So stay long and confident. If you will keep on thinking about the things that you lack you would be the victim of insecurity for sure. If you are lacking something, try to figure out what and work on that. Work to improve yourself and your confidence as a result. If you think your dressing or your looks or the way you present yourself in front of others is not good enough, work to make it better. If you will keep on thinking you are not good enough for your partner, you would never be. If you will keep on thinking your relationship won’t work, it would never do. So think positive and improve.

1. Stop Comparison:

This is the biggest problem that causes insecurity. You must keep one thing in mind ‘Nobody is perfect’ and ‘You have your own qualities’. If you will keep on comparing yourself with other people who say look better than you or who have a better life than you (as per your thinking) then stop doing it. You don’t know anything about their life and you can see their qualities only. Try to look at yourself and see what you are good at. Everyone is born with some qualities. So stop feeling inferior. You are best and no one can replace you. You should in fact think about the things you can learn from that person and improve yourself.      

Monday, 20 January 2014

Birthday Bash

Any Birthday coming up?? Let me help you here :)

You must have wished some person on their birthday and you will be doing that every year. But have you ever given it a thought about how to make your wishes really different and interesting so that they never forget it? Here is a list of 10 ways that could help you with this:

10. The Sneak Attack:
It is good to know that someone was just waiting for the clock to strike 12 in the mid night just to wish on your birthday. So it could be the best thing to do for them. If you feel like disturbing the birthday boy or girl just drop a message. At least you deserve them to know that you were up till 12 for them! And then you can give the person a call the next day. If it is your buddy then you can be shameless ;)

9. It is the day:
Okay they know it is their birthday. But won’t they love it if you keep reminding them of that? You can keep on texting or calling them to wish them. They will surely get pissed off however. You can try setting their ringtone as “Happy Birthday” or you can make them wear “Its my Birthday” Tee-shirt. Imagine how it would be when they will be walking down a street and some stranger wishes them because they were too desperate for wishes! It would be fun; trust me!

8. Gifts every hour:
This is a cute idea and could help you with that special someone of yours also. If you are going to spend the day with them, you could do it yourself. Give them presents for every hour they have spent with you. You can start with a cake at 12. Now if you are not there with them, try to take help from someone present there with her. Arrange things such that they get a gift whenever the minute hand is at 12! The gifts need not to be very expensive. They could be just Roses or whatever you can afford.

7. Weird Birthday:
If you want their birthday to be memorable, you can also make it a little weird for them. You can take help from your friends unknown to them. Tell them to call the birthday person and threaten them for life. Like “Enjoy your Last Birthday” etc. Let it happen for a few times. When they will be sharing this thing with you fully scared, you can tell them the truth. It could be fun with friends but I suggest you to not try it with your parents. You can end up being grounded.

6. Birthday Bash:
This is the common idea for wishing someone on birthdays but is still very popular. People love parties and enjoying their day with others and move on the dance floor, eat and have loads of fun. You can make them crave for wishes by not wishing them the entire day but in the evening when all their hopes have diminished and they are convinced that everyone forgot their birthday, they will love to see that surprise birthday party that you planned. You may see a little anger but lot of love in them. They would forgive you for not wishing the whole day the moment you hug them and wish them.

5. Creepy Celebration:
If you are looking forward to have a creepy party for the birthday, not a romantic one or just food and dance, you can do it differently. You can choose an old wrecked place or a bushed place with tents as the venue, decorate the place with strange items like fruits, torn out clothes and whatever garbage you can find out. Keep it in mind it should not be stinky as it will ruin the mood. You can have an announcement for the person in the store or on the roads, embarrass them and make it an unforgettable birthday.

4. Cyber Wishes:
You can wish them in the cyber style also. When everything today is computerized, you can also take a little help from technology. You can wish them on facebook by writing a nice post on their wall or composing a cute message that makes them feel how important they are in your life and they matter a lot. Birthdays can be a good occasion to show people their importance.

3. Show it:
This option gives you a wide view of what you can do on the birthday. Prepare a presentation for the birthday boy/girl. Include cute pictures and some of the horrible pictures that they hate to see. Edit nice messages with them and display it may be in private or in front of all. I can tell you they will be so glad to see this surprise. Who doesn’t want to be loved and when you show it on their birthday, it can be the perfect gift for them and that presentation or movie of just 10 minutes can be their best few minutes. Include pictures according to your needs and relation and how you want it to. You can play the video at 12 also or in a restaurant where you are supposed to have dinner.

2. Frame it:
This is an old fashioned and cute way to show your love and care to a person. And what could be a better day to show it. Frame your feelings about that person say you like them or it is good to have them in life and whatever it is. Moreover you can also gift them their own portrait. Let them know that you know them very well. You can create a collage of images of them or a collection of quotes dedicated to them. They will be really touched by your efforts and would love and admire the surprise. You can wish them wearing a tee-shirt that says “You are the Best. Happy Birthday! ” Be a little creative and surprise them.

1.Know their needs:
If you know the person from long, then this idea would fit you. If you find yourself on the stage where you know about the likes and dislikes of the person and about the needs and hobbies then you have checked on a right tip. You can buy the things that the person needs according to their choices and gift them with the right timing and presentation. Presentation matters a lot. Just giving it to them or giving them with a little preparation differs. You can arrange hide and seek for them to get to their gifts and you can also make them beg for it. Do it in your style and make it special. Another possible thing that you could do is make a list of things that they need to do this year or some resolution that they always wanted to complete, get it framed and gift it. It will prove how thoughtful you are and you will get that sweet satisfying smile on their face.

Pick anything you want to for their birthday, but with a little style and creativity, you will make their birthday a special day not just for them but for yourself only as your work will be admired by one and all. 
Because of all those 365 days, on this one day everyone deserves all the happiness in the world :)