Someone said think before you speak, someone else said think and plan before you do anything and you will get success. Did you read or heard anyone saying think about everything to be happy? No. Because it is so not true. You start thinking and there happiness goes out through the same door, We start taking things so seriously that we forget the motto, motto of being happy and staying happy. I also forgot this, and realised it, while I started thinking about it and realising that my smile faded the moment I started going through the logics and facts, 'Whats' and 'Whys'. Why humans need to take everything so seriously, why do we need to complicate things so bad, what is wrong with us! Why do we want everything to be our way!
Keep it simple silly. Yes, stop making things so messed up and confusing all the times. Although I am the one who needs it the most.
We humans are the dominating breed. We have always been the controllers. We just can't let anyone or anything take this privilege from us. We have been taught to be perfect from the day we were born, to do only the right thing. However the definition of right may vary person to person. The point is we tend to do things our own way, in the best possible way we can. We try to set things right all the time. That is how we start making it difficult for ourselves. Don't take me the wrong way. I am not telling you to do the exact opposite of what you should do, all I am asking for is for you to start taking things a little lightly. For once, its good to be wrong, its good to fail, its good to be sad and its good to be broken.
Only bitterness can prove the importance of sweetness, only sadness can make happiness worth it, only failure can make a success so huge.
In our day today life, from a very small scale we are doing it all right so wrong, that we got habitual of this.
When a child comes into existence, the family has this pressure of doing things in prefect way for the child. They start living in a way they never thought of, they become someone they never dreamt of, for the child. With this comes the expectations part. They start 'thinking' that they have done so much for them, the child should become a big man, someone successful. In addition to this there is the pressure of the society we live in. How can someone tell us that our child is not so great or not that deserving or not so right! So with this fear, the way life should go on changes. Now why did all this happened, why the parents who undoubtedly love their child but still kept him in so much pressure and agony that the child secretly wished they were never his parents!Why this all started in the first place, because the parents took it all very seriously and the child reacted too strong.
The day when someone asked us 'What do you want to become when you grow up?' we all had some unique dream, that distinguished us from others,it was so raw, so fresh. We may have sounded silly but we were honest, we were determined to follow our heart and be someone we want to. But then When it comes to building a career, we thought of 'Success', 'fame', 'stability', 'job security', and above all 'Money'. A man has to feed his family, a girl has to be independent. We never thought of this when we were just 10, we were happy back then, we were doing what we loved. Now we are thinking, about the future, and so stopped living the present.
We have become so conscious of the people around us, about what they think of us, about how will they judge us, that we end up doing something we normally wouldn't have done. I have seen the teen girls making fun of someone else because they just want to fit in, I have seen guys doing drugs because they want to show their peers that they are also cool, small children to ask for some expensive toy because the kid's friends have that. Now do you think all this is worth it? Do you really want to change just because you want to be accepted by some stranger. We naturally want this, but do we really need to do this?
I was so much into this fact that I have to be ready to die all the time, yes I started enjoying more, started living more, but now when I think about it, I feel, everything will happen when it is meant to be.
Now I feel that we need to stop controlling, and start accepting. Stop doing things the way we should, stop controlling things to make it happen the way we want them to and start accepting that we can't control everything. Some things are better left on destiny, if it is meant to be broken, whatever we do, we will go through that painful heartbreak. If it is what is going to happen, no matter how hard we try, we are going to screw up things. No matter how much we think about it, and how much we think we are prepared for it or how much we have thought it over, when the time comes, we won't have any control on the last things, the last words, the last good byes. There are things that we just can't understand.
We grew up with this thing in mind that do good and nothing bad will happen to you, and whatever happens, happens for the good, now I don't know whether its true or not, because for a while, I need to stop thinking and start going with the flow, act normal, be weak, be vulnerable. For once, I think its okay to be not okay. It is okay to be sad, to be wrong. For once, I am going to stop planning things, to be unprepared, if something good happens during that, I will be more than happy and if not I am not going to smile and think that tomorrow is going to be better, I am going to cry for today, for the bad that happened. I am done thinking.
I am not going to complicate things any more for me, I want to make it simple, simply happy or simply sad, nothing else.
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