This word can bring a lot of beautiful cherishing memories. This word can put a wide smile on anyone's face that people can be mistaken that you are mad. This word has so intense feelings associated with it that no one can deny the fact that it reminds him of so many things.
Mother is a synonym for love for me. Mother is the element that has the capability to balance everything in nature. Mothers are the angels sent on Earth by God because He can't look after everyone at the same time, the angels who take care of you, who are willing to sacrifice everything and by everything, I literally mean every single thing as far as her child is happy. I think God was in a very happy mood when He created this Godly creature, or may be He was too lazy to take care of His children that He looked up for His alternate and that is how we got Mother.
Mother, another word for love, sacrifice, satisfaction, care, hope, life, comfort, wisdom and in some cases food also. For a friend her mother is a positive vibe, she is the warmth for another. PS: I may be the source of the last one :P
Long before you were born, she has started living for you. Even if she doesn't want to eat, she did eat so that her baby is born healthy. She starts sacrificing her wills and likes because she had to stay back and take care of herself and more importantly her baby. Even the woman who is an unstoppable machine and whose favourite hobby is to take care of her family, takes a break from all this, because she has to be healthy for her child. The time when she had her baby closest to her, in her womb is said to be her favourite time, because she can feel the heartbeat of her child, every movement, and she is so desperate to see her child, her healthy child. So she starts with all those prayers. She won't miss a God to pray to, for the well being of her baby. That's how a mother is. She tolerates all the pain too, for the moment, the moment when her child sees the light of this world, when she can be relieved that her baby is fine. The day her baby is born is said to be the only day when a mother smiles when her child is crying because in any other day a mother cries for every single bad thing going on in our lives. That is the most amazing thing about a mother, you don't even need to tell her about your life, she knows everything, and she will be the one next to you in any and every condition.
Then comes another stage in her life, in your life, of all the sleepless nights because you are a stupid kid who just can't sleep when she needs to complete some work or who has to be hungry when your mother just lay down for a 15 minutes nap or you have to poop when she is about to have something to eat after a marathon of 23 hours and 45 minutes. Yes, a child is cruel, I know! But did she ever tried to escape from all this, umm, No! She feels like she is the only one who can take care of you. Try handling a baby badly and get ready for some serious shit because that kid's mother is noticing you from the other room too through the window. A mother has her eyes on her child every second. So be careful next time, don't tell me I din't warn you. And when you are a toddler she need not hit a gym, because she is going to turn into a skeleton anyway. Thanks to you of-course.
Well after this never ending exercise, she still has to be your tutor. Every mother wants her child to be the President of the nation! So, you have no excuse to skip that homework or get involved in any fight. That is absolutely intolerable. And if you still be the notorious kid who never listens to his mother, well, get ready for some slaps and some blows! Yeah yeah I was very notorious not to mention stubborn.
I remember the time when I was stubborn enough to not tell where I kept the cupboard keys and my father hung me upside down to scare me, and I was still not admitting anything and the best part was I didn't even hide the keys and I had no idea about it! But as I said I was the notorious one in my family. I can bet on it, that I am still such a pain to handle :P
The times when your mother stays up for the midnight tea in your board exams, times when she wants her child to be perfect, when she will make you learn something you don't want to at that time but later on realise that yes it is very helpful and you silently thank your mom for teaching you that. When you are asked for help in the kitchen so that she can have some time from your BUSY schedule, so that she can know what is going on with her little bird because her bird has got little wings and doesn't want to be in the nest any more. She hardly hear your stories after you got new friends in school, when the conversation between you two is just the formal questions about the routine and lunch and sometimes not even that and the times when she had the nights when she didn't sleep because she saw you upset but you didn't share your sorrow. Yes our teenage days!!
Do you remember the day when you scored good marks and she bragged about how good you are in studies to every other person in the society? Or the day when you fell from your bi-cycle and after scolding you for a moment, she cried and then lifted the world upside down and did everything in her control so that you recover soon?
The Birthdays!! They were special because you get to eat all your favourite food, when you are allowed to do anything stupid and because it is your birthday and you can't get a slap as a gift, the gifts, that new dress, the dress that she bought for us, yes, in our times, our mothers used to pick clothes, shoes and every other possible thing for us. Ohh I miss those days!
The day when you left your HOME, for further studies, you remember who cried the most, who called you 10 times a day to make sure you are doing okay, to make sure you are eating properly, to make sure your room-mates are not causing any trouble or the hostel warden and in case she is, our mum is all set to make a call. God Bless the warden! When she used to wake up early so that she can wake you up on time, the expected but unexpected mathri that she used to send with every relatives' relative for you and even after that her pet line after seeing you, that you have got thinner! You can never be fat for her, if she can control it, every person in this world will look like a balloon.
I was not a perfect kid for my mother, but every mother is the perfect mother and I am pretty sure everyone wants to say at this moment 'My Mom is the Best'. Noooo !! My mother is the Bestest! :) I have made so many mistakes in my life till now and the list continues, but her love remains intact. She continues to forgive you, she continues to love you. Nothing in the world can change this fact. No matter what you do, she will still be the same for you. After so many hardships, she may change but she will never change for you. A mother would sacrifice anything and do anything for her kid. Every child must have experienced such event at least once. This is why mothers are so special. I don't know what my mother is composed of! She will be very angry if I do something wrong, we won't talk for a day and she will still be worried if I had my meals or not, if I am okay or not even if she has to take help of my father to do so. But she will ensure that I am okay. In that case, the fight is going to get dirty :D But in the end, last line would be 'Don't do this next time otherwise I am not going to talk to you.' but she still does talk every time :)
One thing I learnt in these 22 years is your parents are always right. They want good for you. So stop questioning everything they say and stop just being a rebel, it is fun I know, no one can understand this better but let me tell you one thing, if it causes sadness to your parents, it is not worth it. They want you to have a perfect trouble-free life and yes it took me that long to realise that, bad kid I am :P
Unlike most of the people in IT sector, I was lucky enough to get few months to spend with my parents, my mum, after college. I thank God for that now, it was frustrating to sit idle no doubt but the love and warmth, the care and homely feeling was what I crave for now.
Then the time when you are afraid of telling your father about the love of your life, she supports you and also convinces your father for you. (Just Saying :D ) The time when you don't know how to talk about your dreams and your aims but she is the Ginny. You won't even know when a miracle happens and the next day your father says 'Do what you want to do, I support you.'
I remember the talk with my mom when I said 'I wanna see this world, I wanna learn and that is how I wanna spend my salary' and you know what she understood me, she stood by me. We shared my dream after that. She was worried about me, but she was not too protective to keep me in a shell, she loved me, but she didn't spoil me, hopefully I turned out to be a better kid! She was lenient but when needed she was the one to scold me first. She misses me but still doesn't let me know, to protect me. She won't tell me the bad news about her health or family or about anything else because she doesn't want to upset me. She still thinks I am her little girl, the stupid one, but she also knows that I am what I need to be right now and I will grow up. She still wants me to be mature, to take up responsibilities, to continue her legacy, of her life, but she doesn't want me to have the burden all over my shoulder. She has taught me well how to handle any kind of situation. What I am today is because of all the care and wise words by my mum and all the life lessons and tips by my papa.
When someone asks about my role model, I get so confused shall I say mum, papa or di ! Because yes, they all are just perfect. Di also, another gift by my mum to me, and she is The Best! Ohh yeah mom always say I forget my younger brother, so not going to forget you here bhai :) You are also cute, sweet and best bro!
For the family I have I can't thank enough to God, to my mum. Because as they say,
And most of the credit goes to maa for this :) PS: Papa don't be jealous, it's maa's day today :) :)
My mother is a gift. I love her, I respect her and I am going to do anything for her, for her happiness too. like she does for me. I know I don't stand a chance to give her the same happiness ever but I will not let any more of her days to be bad in any case, by anyone. I want her to be happy and be proud of her daughter. I want to be her perfect daughter.