Monday, 31 March 2014


This is my first post of this kind, so I don’t know if I am using the right words or not.
Love, a word described by many, a feeling felt by all. Everyone has a different definition for what love is. I have my own. Love:  Life.  For me, love is a feeling that inspires you to live. It is not necessarily with your lover or friends or your family. Even if you love yourself or anything, you have a goal. You know what you are living for. Lucky are the ones who know what they want!
So, yeah I experienced it, I encountered many who were on the cloud nine because they were in LOVE. I also met many who just wanted their misery to end anyhow, because they just had a heart-break.  There were many who loved their parents more than anything, and the others who loved themselves. I am not judging anyone, because it’s their life, their decision.
I am actually happy to say that because of this feeling, people are showing some of the human traits! They are familiar with the words sacrifice, compromise, passion and kindness. It feels so good to see that they know what makes them happy and who makes them happy.
I think when there is a name in your mind with whom you want to share anything and everything, with whom you want to celebrate your happiness is when you are in love. When you can do anything for it and when you can face every problem with a smile, you are in love. In love, you find your life meaningful. The butterfly feeling is not superficial :P You are ready to do anything to just see the smile on their face. At times, you put them above you too. Because this is love, it is stupid, it is crazy but it is also what makes you happy.
But love is also relative. In the end you will know what you love the most. This is when things get complicated. There are times when you disagree to compromise, or when you just can’t get hold of what is right and what is wrong.  You are made to choose between your dreams, your life and your love. This is the time when you just can’t decide what you want more. Then there are days when you just don’t feel like it’s going in the right direction and you should have never taken the first step. The time when you regret everything you did, the time when you just can’t stop thinking about all the bad decisions you ever made and how different your life would have been if it’s not for them. When you try to show yourself that you are strong enough to go through this but every second every part of you just want to give up. When you want to cry so hard, to scream out so load that you no longer can hear the sound of your own thoughts. This is the time when you can’t get any weaker. This is the time when you will start getting better. So when it feels like it’s the worst day of your life, smile because tomorrow is going to be a good day for you.
I still don’t get it why some of the heart-broken people go for self-destruction. It isn’t what love is. Love is life and you are alive. Taking such drastic steps makes you incapable of loving. If the love is true, just move on with your life. My favourite quote is not a lie!
“Whatever happens happens for good”.
So if you find yourself in such a position ever, don’t worry, because it’s just for something better. You have a lot more to learn. You have a lot more to achieve. When the ‘Right One’ is there, you won’t get apart, I can promise you that. No one can change the course of your life, so you just have to complete your role and the rest will be taken care of. I am not expecting you to not cry or fall apart. All I am asking for is you to be strong. Life is never unfair.
Love makes you laugh, makes you cry, holds you together, and makes you fall apart. But it’s just the ups and downs that make it so worth living for. You can’t always get what you want, but what you get is always what you need. Think of all the good memories love has given you and cherish them. All you need to do is know what you want.
Love is a feeling that completes me, I love my life, I love everything about it, and I love everyone in it. I chose to smile instead of moping over anything. For me, love is the happy feeling. For me, it is worth living for. J

Friday, 14 March 2014

Fake Life!

We have come so far in life today that we forgot to actually live our life. Yes ! Today life seems so artificial, so calculated to me. 

When we were young, life seems so out of control, we were not allowed to even choose our food or clothes. That time all we can think of was growing up so that we can decide everything and live as per our will. But now when I am the in charge of my life, I want to be a kid again. Not because I am fed up the work or responsibilities but just because deciding everything is so exhausting. 
Calculating every possible consequence of our action has become a habit for us and deep down we know we have stopped living freely because of this but it is what it is. 
I miss the time when I used to say what I really wanted to say instead of thinking about the long-term consequences. The time when people were actually good, when they used to talk when they actually wanted to, not because they have some motive. Innocence is gone. The time when smiling was just a gesture to show that you care. The time when you could differentiate between good and bad. Now, in this grey world, you just don't know what is actually right. There are two-faced people, there are liars. And what is the worst part of all this is we are taught to be one of them because they say to survive in  jungle you have to be an animal yourself!
We are free! We are free to be slaves of this society. Because if we don't act like how we are supposed to, we won't survive for a minute. And when I say I have tried that believe it. With these passing years we aren't taught to live our life, we are taught to fix in this society of Robots! We lack emotions, we lack truth, we lack innocence and we lack life. 
Life is good, we just stopped living life. We got into this vicious circle of unreal materialism.  We became coward. We stopped saying or doing anything for us.
Relations, emotions, compassion seem just some superficial words. Happiness is not an emotion today, it is not any feeling. Today happiness for most is money, fame, power or whatever they dream of. But do they find happiness ever! I doubt it.
Helping people is another 'give and take' process today, just like love. 
Before joining I had so many talks with my father on learning diplomacy, professional behaviour that in the process I lost the meaning of my life. Thank God that my will was stubborn enough to go back to what it was before. Yes I want to learn things but not because someone else told me so, I want to learn by my mistakes. I want to experience a little bad too, to evolve, to grow, to fall and to rise up again. 

Yes, I learnt how to live that artificial life that everyone is living and has to live in this world, but now I know how to balance between both. 
I am glad to find that there is still hope left for us, because we at least care enough to make our parents happy. At least some of us do! This might be a start to a better world, to be happier world! 
Because we are not robots who have to fake every movement, we are real people. We feel, We love, We get Hurt, We make mistakes and We get better every time!