Saturday, 21 December 2013

Stay Happy

You want to be happy! Who doesn't! But you have to remember that nothing is stationary. This bad time will also be passed. So instead of being sad or thinking about it more here are some steps you can follow for an everlasting happiness:

10. Take a break and refresh:
Take a break and refresh Top 10 Ways to Stay Happy
You must know that you are not a robot. And you do get tired. If you try to work more than your capacity you will end up exhausted, frustrated and very unhappy. It is good to keep yourself busy as it avoids any bad thoughts but you must take a break from your work. Refreshment is very necessary if you really want to be happy. You can chose anything that could charge you up like listening to loud music, dancing or may be going out for shopping or spending time with your love. Do whatever you want but relax before starting another job. It would improve your focus and concentration and you will perform well.

9. Laugh out loud and decide to be happy:
Laugh out loud and decide to be happy Top 10 Ways to Stay Happy
This is not merely some statement. It can turn your life to good. If you think and force yourself to be happy always, you will actually feel happy in a while. In 24 hours, get some time to enjoy yourself, when you can laugh out loud or act like a child. Avoid the negativity and stop thinking about the wrongs in your life. Think about the things or people who gives you happiness and with whom you can share those loud laughs. It is okay to act crazy for yourself. You are perfect yourself so why worry what others think about you.

8. Be alone once in a while:
Be alone once in a while Top 10 Ways to Stay Happy
Some time for yourself and getting to know yourself is one thing that would surely help. A little time of introspection is necessary for everyone. Sit alone and let the thoughts flow in your mind. Think about the things that make you happy, your likes and things that make you mad. And try to know the bad influences. Think about your life. What was your dream and what have you achieve. Point out what is required further and proceed in that direction. Make your principles and in no case break your own rules.

7. Help others:
Help others Top 10 Ways to Stay Happy
You are a human and behave like one. Once in a while help others. And I’m telling you will get immense pleasure and satisfaction. The thought that someone got some happiness because of you is priceless. Having the thought that you have a role in someone’s life or you have given a day’s meal to some needy person  is an extraordinary feeling. It is no harm to be helpful.

6. Re-assess your priorities:
Re assess your priorities Top 10 Ways to Stay Happy
Today you have so many things and persons and work in your life. You have money, you have success and also a nice family but still you are unhappy. You must be wondering you have got everything but still you are not happy. Now here is what you need to do. Re-assess your priorities. You are giving more importance to the wrong thing. If you are too absorbed in your job you need to give some more time to your family. Wealth comes and goes but what remains with you forever in your good and bad times is your own family. Pray to God once daily and thank Him for everything you have got.

5. Be grateful and satisfied:
Be grateful and satisfied Top 10 Ways to Stay Happy
It is often seen that people keep on complaining and nagging about others. Judging others won’t do any good to you in any case. You are harming yourself and others both. Just stop thinking about what others are lacking. Think about yourself only, improve yourself and you will be happy forever. If you will keep expecting more and more you won’t be satisfied ever and so never happy. Be grateful and be happy for whatever you have got. Most people have even that. It’s good to dream and improve but it doesn’t mean keep on crying for what you haven’t got. By comparing your life with others you are just adding to your misery.

4. Whatever happens, happens for good:
Whatever happens happens for good Top 10 Ways to Stay Happy
Trust me when I say that everything that has ever happened to you and whatever is happening to you, it all happened for some reason, it was all planned by the almighty. We are His children and in no case He can leave you alone and sad. Today’s sorrow may be the reason of tomorrow’s happiness. Life can’t be good all the time. You have to believe in Him and just continue what you are meant to do and leave everything else on Him. Even a small pain today is because it was needed to make you happy tomorrow. A failure today may be required to teach you a lesson for tomorrow’s success.

3. Learn to say no:
Learn to say no Top 10 Ways to Stay Happy
You may think it is rude to say ‘NO’ to anyone. But you know what, by doing so you are saying no to your own happiness. You can’t make everyone happy at all times. So stop trying to please them by saying yes always. Say no if you don’t want to do something. It is your life and you have to live for yourself and you have to think about you now. Stop listening to everyone. Advises are not meant to be followed every time. If you will keep living for others you will start expecting some good from them also and dear, Expectations Hurt. So why don’t you just try to be happy yourself instead of pleasing others.

2. Make a list:
Make a list Top 10 Ways to Stay Happy

Write down your thoughts. Note down what you didn’t like or what happened. By doing so you won’t be blaming people for anything bad that happened. And you will prevent yourself from spoiling your relations. By doing so, you will get to know how to control your emotions. You may be requiring an organised life. So start making a to-do list for every single work that is needed to be done. It would free you from the tension of missing out anything and yeah as a bonus you will get to tap yourself while checking off items that you have fulfilled successfully. It is a great satisfaction.

1.Let it Go:
Let it Go Top 10 Ways to Stay Happy
Are you a memory device of infinite memory space! So why store all those good or bad memories in your mind. Holding on to anything bad will pull you in the past and you will never be able to see how beautiful your life is or it can be if you start living it. Let go of the things that are not in your control. What has gone is gone and you can’t change it now. So stop thinking about your past bad experiences. And those good times won’t come again if you will keep thinking about those so called golden moments. So stop treating yourself so unfairly. You should give yourself a chance to be happy. You just keep on doing your work God is seeing everything and you will get everything that you deserve today or tomorrow.
And finally, Stop thinking about how to get happy. You just need to stop worrying much  and start enjoying your life. Life is beautiful.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Its our Planet

This post is very different from my comfort zone in writing, but I find it useful and worth sharing my views about this topic that is Saving our planet.
We have enough food, water and everything necessary to have a good life, true. But there are many people, who don't have even water. Can you imagine life without water? Can you survive without water for just a  day? Definitely not. But there is a big part of Earth's population, which is forced to continue living without food and water. And yes, they couldn't and ultimately, they have to give up. They have to give up their life, and why is that. Because they don't even have water to drink. Just imagining this reality, far away from me scares me to my soul.

There are people, the fortunate ones, who have water, who have everything, because they have money. Its fair because they or their ancestors must have worked hard for it, but whats not fair, is those born poor, its not their mistake that they die infants, why because of the lack of drinking water, and on the other hand there are some who without thinking much are just wasting
'Precious' water.

Yes! Water is Precious, and so are other resources we are gifted by Earth. Don't you think you should take responsibility about it. If we have this gift, it doesn't give us right to destroy it.
Saving our own planet is our own responsibility. Its our home and we should be obliged for what we get because of it. So, why not just try a little, just do a bit, just make an effort to save it. I am not saying stop drinking water, or stop using other resources. All I am saying is use it wisely. Imagine a day without food, water, electricity, LPG, etc. And you will realize the struggle it is for those people to survive, the fight: fight for life. They have to go through a lot before getting a decent glass of drinking water. And there are a lot of regions all over the world, drinking water is not available, not for just one day but for ever. Electricity, LPG, food are what they don't even dream of. And yes they do die. They die, because of Us, they die because we are not serious enough towards this problem. Earth is a single place. What happens at one pole will affect the opposite pole also. So indirectly, their deaths is on us. But the good thing is we still have time, to correct our mistakes, to improve the future. We can surely save some future lives.

What we need to do is change our daily routine such that our new routine will help us save few ltrs of water. One liter of water saved can be a new day for someone far far away from us. Doesn't it feel good to know. Save electricity, optimize the use of the lights and other equipment, save fuels, minimize the use of products that could lead to one less tree. I am no expert in this section, I am not capable enough to teach you the Do's and Don't's in this part. But what I know is I realize the importance of the awareness. I know I have to do my bit, I know I will do my bit. I am willing to change a little, to cut a little from my comforts, because I want someone else to be able to survive. I know my luxuries are not worth their life, they don't deserve this. They deserve to live. And I am ready to help them.
And you can surely follow some simple steps if you really are in this. Here is a link, I find it worth sharing.
And I request you, reading it, to just do a little from your side, if you can't change your routine, you could be just a little more careful and at least not waste them. You could stop wasting water, wasting fuels.
Do your bit of good, It does feel good!! Because it is our Planet and we have to do something so that our own future generation could also have a life here. Our planet, Our home, our responsibility :)

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


We have all heard this sentence many times that No one is Perfect. And its very true indeed.
Lets take your example. You must have a friends or some relative who you absolutely can't bear. You tend to think negative about them all the time. Honestly I am no different. But think again. Pointing someone's mistakes all the time is no good trait. So are you perfect!
Yes no body is perfect. But this blog is not about that. It is about the perfect imperfections. Yes!! Imperfections are perfect. But only when you realize them and you work towards them.
Nature has its own way of creating a balance to everything. So if you get something bad you definitely has an equal good. Its just the way you look at it. What I found out till now is no one is a bad person, no one is not good enough, no one is an evil. Trust me what we think is bad might be good for them. Even if you are doing everything right, it isn't necessary that you are right in front of other people. Its just the way we look at each other. Imperfections are just God's way of telling us that we have a lot to do and a lot to learn, so we have to keep moving on. Imperfections are beautiful.
Perfect people doesn't exist. If you think you are a l'll more sensitive, I would say it is good to feel, if you say you lack emotions, I would say you are not entirely emotionless and less emotions are a great help too. If you work hard its good, if you don't its not bad.
Imperfections are good if you are happy with yourself, with what you are doing and what kind of person you are. Its just the way people look at you, and trust me what people think of you is neither correct nor reliable. It has to be you who introspects you. All I feel these days is do whatever you want to if it gives you happiness, doesn't affect your future negatively and is not a reason for someone else's sorrow. Rest it is your life, live with your gut feeling, live to make yourself happy, show yourself that you are a better person that you were yesterday, keep inventing yourself, go beyond your threshold.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Celebrating Diwali

Hi guys! Diwali festival is on the edge now. And all of Indians must be very excited about it I am sure. In this post I will be talking about how grateful I am for the life I have and for all the small things that constitute life.

Guys you know if you are capable of reading this blog it means you had the opportunity to learn the A B C D's. It means you were provided the chance to get educated. And also that you have the means to afford a PC or laptop. And you know that majority of people are not capable of this. For them getting 2 meals a day is a happy day, I won't even talk about the other 2 necessities of living!

 In this festive season we all are very excited, excited to shop, excited about the presents, about the sweets and fireworks, about the lights and decoration. And if you are thinking about all this stuff then trust me you are in the same exact place as me and I am really grateful for all of this. I am thankful to God who has helped me get mould as the person I am today and all the good or bad things in my life because they all make my life what it is today. And I am thankful to my parents who have sacrificed a lot for my happiness and gave up their dreams so that my dreams come true. Have a heart to heart talk with them and you will see a whole new side of them. I am thankful to my friends and family who supported me and who were always there for me. Without them my life would not be that good. If you can see a bit of your story in my words then you have a lot to be grateful.

But guys many of the people around us are not that fortunate. When you are ordering your maid to clean up your house think about how she is going to celebrate this Diwali. After all the work at your place would she be able to clean up her own house? Don't you think this year you should do a little good about it, just a small gesture to spread smiles. Help her in cleaning your own home. And if possible this Diwali instead of just throwing away the things you don't use anymore give it to them. Let them have a chance to smile this Diwali.
Again the poor people around you or the beggars or the garbage collector can't enjoy the festival in the way we do. For them it is no special day. So why not make this diwali special by making it special for others. Offer them food or sweets. Your little is alot for them. And the smile on their face would surely give you an immense pleasure.

I am thinking about my celebrating this diwali differenty. This year Diwali would be sweets, fireworks and smiles for not just me but for the less fortunate people around me also. Because I believe if God has given us enough for us, we could share a part of the rest. Because one less box of sweets means nothing to me but it would be enough for someone else. This Diwali I am going to try spreading the light of smiles. 
I am going to celebrate Diwali with many smiles around me :)


Sunday, 27 October 2013

Happy You

You want to be happy? Who doesn’t! But you have to remember that nothing is stationary. This bad time will also be passed. So instead of being sad or thinking about it more here are some steps you can follow for an everlasting happiness:

10. Take a break and refresh:
You must know that you are not a robot. And you do get tired. If you try to work more than your capacity you will end up exhausted, frustrated and very unhappy. It is good to keep yourself busy as it avoids any bad thoughts but you must take a break from your work. Refreshment is very necessary if you really want to be happy. You can chose anything that could charge you up like listening to loud music, dancing or may be going out for shopping or spending time with your love. Do whatever you want but relax before starting another job. It would improve your focus and concentration and you will perform well.

9. Laugh out loud and decide to be happy:
This is not merely some statement. It can turn your life to good. If you think and force yourself to be happy always, you will actually feel happy in a while. In 24 hours, get some time to enjoy yourself, when you can laugh out loud or act like a child. Avoid the negativity and stop thinking about the wrongs in your life. Think about the things or people who gives you happiness and with whom you can share those loud laughs. It is ok to act crazy for yourself. You are perfect yourself so why worry what others think about you.

8. Be alone once in a while:
Some time for yourself and getting to know yourself is one thing that would surely help. A little time of introspection is necessary for everyone. Sit alone and let the thoughts flow in your mind. Think about the things that make you happy, your likes and things that make you mad. And try to know the bad influences. Think about your life. What was your dream and what have you achieve. Point out what is required further and proceed in that direction. Make your principles and in no case break your own rules.

7. Help others:
You are a human and behave like one. Once in a while help others. And I’m telling you will get immense pleasure and satisfaction. The thought that someone got some happiness because of you is priceless. Having the thought that you have a role in someone’s life or you have given a day’s meal to some needy person  is an extraordinary feeling. It is no harm to be helpful.

6. Re-assess your priorities:
Today you have so many things and persons and work in your life. You have money, you have success and also a nice family but still you are unhappy. You must be wondering you have got everything but still you are not happy. Now here is what you need to do. Re-assess your priorities. You are giving more importance to the wrong thing. If you are too absorbed in your job you need to give some more time to your family. Wealth comes and goes but what remains with you forever in your good and bad times is your own family. Pray to God once daily and thank Him for everything you have got.

5. Be grateful and satisfied:
It is often seen that people keep on complaining and nagging about others. Judging others won’t do any good to you in any case. You are harming yourself and others both. Just stop thinking about what others are lacking. Think about yourself only, improve yourself and you will be happy forever. If you will keep expecting more and more you won’t be satisfied ever and so never happy. Be grateful and be happy for whatever you have got. Most people have even that. It’s good to dream and improve but it doesn’t mean keep on crying for what you haven’t got. By comparing your life with others you are just adding to your misery. 
4. Whatever happens, happens for good:
Trust me when I say that everything that has ever happened to you and whatever is happening to you, it all happened for some reason, it was all planned by the almighty. We are His children and in no case He can leave you alone and sad. Today’s sorrow may be the reason of tomorrow’s happiness. Life can’t be good all the time. You have to believe in Him and just continue what you are meant to do and leave everything else on Him. Even a small pain today is because it was needed to make you happy tomorrow. A failure today may be required to teach you a lesson for tomorrow’s success. 

3. Learn to say no:
You may think it is rude to say ‘NO’ to anyone. But you know what, by doing so you are saying no to your own happiness. You can’t make everyone happy at all times. So stop trying to please them by saying yes always. Say no if you don’t want to do something. It is your life and you have to live for yourself and you have to think about you now. Stop listening to everyone. Advices are not meant to be followed every time. If you will keep living for others you will start expecting some good from them also and dear, Expectations Hurt. So why don’t you just try to be happy yourself instead of pleasing others.

2. Make a list:
Write down your thoughts. Note down what you didn’t like or what happened. By doing so you won’t be blaming people for anything bad that happened. And you will prevent yourself from spoiling your relations. By doing so, you will get to know how to control your emotions. You may be requiring an organised life. So start making a to-do list for every single work that is needed to be done. It would free you from the tension of missing out anything and yeah as a bonus you will get to tap yourself while checking off items that you have fulfilled successfully. It is a great satisfaction.

1.Let it Go:
Are you a memory device of infinite memory space! So why store all those good or bad memories in your mind. Holding on to anything bad will pull you in the past and you will never be able to see how beautiful your life is or it can be if you start living it. Let go of the things that are not in your control. What has gone is gone and you can’t change it now. So stop thinking about your past bad experiences. And those good times won’t come again if you will keep thinking about those so called golden moments. So stop treating yourself so unfairly. You should give yourself a chance to be happy. You just keep on doing your work God is seeing everything and you will get everything that you deserve today or tomorrow.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Are you ready to Die?

I am writing this post because of the things that happened around me a while ago and I feel obliged to share my feelings regarding that.

In past few days, I have seen peoples' death around me. It made me think you don't know when you would be gone. You don't know what would be the situations then, would you be prepared for it or not. But it surely made me think. Think about the time when I would be gone, gone forever.

Those people just died. 24 hours ago they were one of us. And the next day we were there crying over the corpse. Yeah! Corpse! That is what left of them now. That neighbour lady with a son wasn't prepared to leave so soon neither was her family. They didn't even get to say good bye to her. Yes!! Good Byes are necessary. Think about it. Did she tell her son all about what she wanted to tell him in his different phases of life? Did she showered those wise words that he may require in his later stages. No!

Main question here is: Are you ready to die in the next 1 hour? Are you ready to leave without being able to say a word to your loved ones? Have you done all you needed to do? Are you done with all your responsibilities? I am sure a lot of you would say Yes without even thinking about it in depth. But wait. Think about it once more. Have you told your loved ones, your family or friends that you love them lately? Have you shown people their importance in your life in this week or month? We people are so busy in our lives, trying to adjust and earn and to get the basic necessities for living (food, cloth and shelter) that we forgot the whole reason of living! Are you living just because you are born! Don't you want to actually live! In this speedy life we forgot to keep people close to us that were meant to be with you in parallel. We have forgotten what it was so smile and laugh with our families. We have forgotten to be happy.

I say why worry about the day of our death. Let’s just prepare for it today and then with every other day think it as a bonus day to live again. Be ready to die today so that you don't have any fear of death and every morning you will wake up with a smile for God has given you another day to smile, to live, to be near your family, to do what you love again, to do what you couldn't finish and most importantly to be happy for the life you have got. Because trust me you are lucky for you have got another day to be happy or even if it a sad day, you are still alive with the hope for a better day tomorrow. Guys, not everyone is that lucky. People die every second of every day. You are still alive and you have to make it a great moment. I am not saying stop being sad or act crazy or spend all your savings, or stop thinking about your future. All I am suggesting here is Do what you need to do. If you think there is something you will regret not doing later, do it now. In that 'Later' time you may not have chance or that preferable condition or who knows if you would be there to do it or not!

While thinking about all of this stuff I thought of writing some letters to everyone who is important to me. I thought it would be good that those people know how I felt about it, how I felt about them and how much they mattered. Letters: unspoken words, unshared feelings, untold facts; but then it came to me that if I really want to say all that to them why don't just tell them today. Why wait for your death bed for it. Why wait at all!

And finally I decided to finish up those letters but also to show them their importance daily, for actions speak louder than words. I have started showing people in my life that they matter. I have started living before I die. It is very easy to say Live like it’s your last day but guys it’s easier to implement it because what could be better than living. Nothing is better than this beautiful life. If you have loved ones to share it with, you are the rare lucky ones. But if you don't have, don't worry my friend. It’s your life and you are meant to live it and enjoy it anyways. You are here for some reason, for nature has its own way to maintain balance to everything. You may not know it yet but I can assure you, your life has a meaning, someone is out there who is waiting to be connected to you somehow. The best is yet to come.

Once you say those lovely words to your family and friends, once you have completed your responsibilities, once you have fulfilled your reason of survival, once you have done all you wanted to do, once you have actually lived your life, once you are done, only then you are ready to die.

I have done what I needed to do, I am ready. Are you?